What’s Going On? Festival | The Royal Room/Seattle
Manual de Ritmo de Percusión con Señas
An all percussion orchestra using a conduction system for rhythm. Inspired by Butch
Morris and created by Santiago Vásquez. Featuring Eric Eagle, Mike Gebhart, Rocky
Martin, Greg Campbell, Sheridan Riley on Drums and Percussion.
Dust to Dust: The songs of Butch Morris
Butch Morris, the composer of gorgeous instrumental songs. Inspired by Morris’ 1991
New World recording “Dust to Dust.” Performed by Greg Campbell Vibraphone, Mike Gebhart Drums, Robin Holcomb Piano, James Falzone Clarinet, Alina To Violin, Leanna
Keith Flute, Naomi Siegel Trombone, Wayne Horvitz Electronics, Brandon Ross Electric
Guitar, Vincent Chancey French Horn, Sara Schoenbeck Bassoon.